
Written by Enda Walsh
Directed by Óran O'Rua
Performed in: dlr Mill Theatre 23 & 24 October 2021 and DLI 2021 One Act Circuit



Enda Walsh’s short play (50 minutes), 'Bedbound', is a two-hander about a father/daughter relationship that has gone horribly wrong. The play’s action takes place on a small child’s bed. Dad talks frantically about his extraordinary past in furniture sales; Daughter talks no less compulsively about anything at all, to fill the terrifying silence in her head. Trapped in their own claustrophobic story, these two tortured creatures attempt to reach some kind of redemption.

In his foreword to the collection, 'Enda Walsh Plays: One' (Nick Hern Books, 2011), Walsh writes: “Bedbound was my first effort away from Pat [Kiernan, director, Corcadorca Theatre Company] and towards myself. It’s essentially about the relationship between me and my dad. It’s wild but also very honest. A love letter to my sick dad at the time.”

It is a ferocious two-hander from the writer of Disco Pigs. It won First Award at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2001.

The group took the play out on the One Act Circuit and performed at the following venues:

  • 28/10/2021 Naas – Adjudicator: Anna Walker
  • 29/10/2021 Goresbridge – Adjudicator: Walker Ewart
  • 06/11/2021 Dundrum – Adjudicator: Tom Byrne
  • 18/11/2021 Gorey – Adjudicator: Aodh McCay
  • 20/11/2021 Coolgreany – Adjudicator: Paula Dempsey


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